Skylanders SuperChargers [BLES02172]
Started by yuvalyly

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9 posts 4 threads Joined: Oct 2020
11-11-2020, 10:03 AM -
I didn't found any other post about this.
the game start normaly and go ingame, but then, it tell the player vehicle on the portal of power and the emulated portal of power don't have any vehicles on the list, I serched the internet for vehicles IDs but I found nothing. I don't know if it works with a real portal becuse I only have a xbox 360 portal. Does anyone know any of the vehicles IDs? if so, please write it here.
btw this game is not on the compatability list.

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Skylanders SuperChargers [BLES02172] - by yuvalyly - 11-11-2020, 10:03 AM

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