[Kingdom Hearts HD I.5/BLUS31212/Chain of Memories]Crash after cheesy poem in credits
Started by MadeOfSalt

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4 posts 4 threads Joined: May 2020
06-01-2020, 05:09 AM -
Which essentially makes that game not finishable or locks out half the game since Reverse mode cannot be unlocked. That is what the first log should contain.

Also, a really annoying bug, random crashing seemingly if moving between rooms too often. Sometimes, summons get glitchy textures, which leads to a crash (which might have been fixed recently), or rooms load only in the form of pure collision, which leads to a crash as well. The second log is only of the crashing from the rooms bug. All I have of the collision rooms one is a screenshot. But the bug of highest priority is the credits one.

.7z   RPCS3 RPCS3 Chain of Memories credits crash.7z (Size: 6.16 MB / Downloads: 0)

.7z   RPCS3 Chain of Memories crash between rooms.7z (Size: 5.05 MB / Downloads: 0)

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[Kingdom Hearts HD I.5/BLUS31212/Chain of Memories]Crash after cheesy poem in credits - by MadeOfSalt - 06-01-2020, 05:09 AM

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