GOW Ghost of Sparta frozen FMV's
Started by Coverdrave

4 posts in this topic

3 posts 1 threads Joined: May 2020
05-01-2020, 06:28 PM -
I'm playing through God of War Ghost of Sparta and if my VBlank Frequency is set to anything higher than 60Hz, FMV's are stuck on a single frame that updates every 10 or so seconds, but audio plays out smoothly. What can I do? Can I somehow make it change automatically when an FMV starts playing?

Messages In This Thread
GOW Ghost of Sparta frozen FMV's - by Coverdrave - 05-01-2020, 06:28 PM
RE: GOW Ghost of Sparta frozen FMV's - by Ani - 05-04-2020, 08:04 PM
RE: GOW Ghost of Sparta frozen FMV's - by Ani - 05-05-2020, 05:43 PM

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