03-22-2020, 09:02 PM -
(03-22-2020, 04:34 PM)Silanda Wrote: Okay, so this is something I wasn't aware of: https://wiki.rpcs3.net/index.php?title=H...me_Patches
It helps the framerate if you use the SPU MLAA removal patch. Still not enough to lock 60fps in my case though.
thanks!. Well, in the SPU MLAA removal patch section, at the beginning, there is this code:
SPU-9001b44fd7278b5a6fa5385939fe928a0e549394: # Soul Calibur V, Yakuza Ishin, Journey, Yakuza 5, Tokyo Jungle, Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD, Soul Calibur Lost Swords, Binary Domain, Puppeteer
#SPUNAME: 'PS3_Release/edgepost-mlaa-task.s'
- [ be32, 0x000031f4, 0x40800003 ] # il r3 0
- [ be32, 0x0000349c, 0x40800017 ] # il r23 0 # Comment this line out to fix the blackscreen in Puppeteer
But how can I use this patch? I don't know how to apply this code...
thank you!