10-28-2019, 07:35 PM -
For anyone that is trying to play this on a low-end PC like me, here are some essential things that made it possible for me to run this in a somewhat tolerable state;
- First of all, as mentioned in the thread before, I set the Vblank rate to 40 and the frame limit to 60 in order to get properly synced skits. I am using OpenGL as Vulkan is really buggy for me with this game. (Lots of graphical glitches, makes it unplayable)
- I used LLVM Recompilers for both the SPU and the PPU.
- I set the SPU threads value to 1, it greatly helps with the performance.
- For the audio, I checked Downmix to Stereo and Convert to 16 bit.
- I set the Sleep Timers Accuracy to All Timers, this might be placebo but I felt like I got 2-3 more FPS with this setting on.
- Disable ZCull Occlusion Queries: true (I am not sure if this made any difference, change it back to false if it causes problems)
- Enable Frame Skip: true (For me, enabling Frame Skip made a great deal of difference, the game looks more "jumpy" but at least the combat stopped being sluggish and runs in the speed it was meant to run. I experimented with Consecutive Frames To Draw and Skip values a bit, if both set to 1 feels too jumpy for you, you can change the Frames to Draw value to 2.
- Enabling Frame Skip introduced some audio sluttering for me. I fixed it by enabling the debugger and using the thread pausing method. This video explains how to do that starting at 3:08.