JoJo's Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle [BLUS31405]
Started by Yagami Light9

56 posts in this topic

2 posts 0 threads Joined: Aug 2019
08-28-2019, 08:45 AM -
Life bars are working again in master since PR #6415 (RPCS3 v0.0.6-8608-64aff7f0). Default settings and Vulkan for best performance, Audio Buffering should be enabled but duration set to 20ms for best results.


Compatibility should be raised to Playable now, same for NPEB01922, BLJS10217, BLES01986 since the four versions are the same.

DLC error can be bypassed by manually decrypting the 6 dlc edats (data0100.edat, data0200 ~ data0600.edat) to .dat using True Ancestor edat tool, then renaming them back to .edat

Only minor graphical glitches remain, like some "grainy" background characters, but those can be "fixed" by using a modded nuccMaterial_ps3.nsh with materials from Eyes of Heaven [BLJS10318] .

.gz   RPCS3.log.gz (Size: 633.81 KB / Downloads: 128)

Messages In This Thread
RE: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle [BLUS31405] - by Yagami Light9 - 02-10-2016, 01:40 PM
RE: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle [BLUS31405] - by SutandoTsukai181 - 08-28-2019, 08:45 AM
RE: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle [BLUS31405] - by Yagami Light9 - 02-10-2016, 03:21 PM
RE: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle [BLUS31405] - by Solstar82 - 08-22-2016, 10:49 AM
RE: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle [BLUS31405] - by UraUrameshi - 09-01-2016, 01:56 AM
RE: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle [BLUS31405] - by UraUrameshi - 09-01-2016, 03:12 AM
RE: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle [BLUS31405] - by UraUrameshi - 09-02-2016, 01:28 AM
RE: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle [BLUS31405] - by UraUrameshi - 09-02-2016, 04:53 PM
RE: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle [BLUS31405] - by UraUrameshi - 09-11-2016, 05:32 PM
RE: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle [BLUS31405] - by Solstar82 - 10-14-2016, 04:14 PM
RE: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle [BLUS31405] - by Solstar82 - 10-15-2016, 11:50 AM
RE: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle [BLUS31405] - by Solstar82 - 11-05-2016, 06:52 PM
RE: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle [BLUS31405] - by GordonFHL3 - 12-31-2016, 12:31 AM
RE: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle [BLUS31405] - by Yagami Light9 - 07-18-2017, 07:18 AM

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