Need Help With Dumping Disc Games from Jailbroken PS3
Started by VadimVen

4 posts in this topic

3 posts 1 threads Joined: Aug 2019
08-28-2019, 08:24 AM -
Boring intro stuff:
Hey, guys! I really didn't want to have to make a forum account to get help with this, but I'm at my wits end, and all the available resources I've looked up haven't helped me. I'm new to PS3 jailbreaking, RPCS3, and these forums, so hopefully I do everything correctly and I'll do my best to explain the problem and everything I've tried to solve it.

My specs (to confirm compatibility):
Intel Xeon E3-1240 v3
AMD Radeon RX 470
8 GB DDR3-1866 RAM
Windows 10 64-bit

The TL;DR of the problem:
While trying to run a backup of NieR (BLUS30481), which I own a physical copy of (and can provide proof as necessary), I get the following error:
Quote:E LDR: Invalid or unsupported file format: (game path)/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/EBOOT.BIN
S LDR: Boot successful.
And I'd like to know how to properly dump games in order to avoid this issue.

Everything I've done up to this point:

After jailbreaking my PS3, I first used multiMAN to create ISOs of the following games: Catherine, Assassin's Creed: Rogue, and NieR, and then transferred these ISOs to my PC using FTP and extracted them into folders labeled with their region ids (as described in the Quickstart guide) under the path:
Quote:../(rpcs3 folder)/dev_hdd0/disc/
e.g. ../(rpcs3 folder)/dev_hdd0/disc/BLUS30481/(extracted contents of NieR ISO)
However, I received the exact error listed earlier when trying to run Catherine (BLUS30428) and NieR (which are both supposed to be playable). I also attempted to first mount the ISOs and then transfer their contents to the path listed above, but that did not help.

I looked for this error on this forum and other sites and found that most people who ran into this issue were accused of piracy, so I decided to attempt a different method of dumping the games first before turning to the forums for help. The method I chose was to use FTP to directly transfer the contents of /dev_bdvd/ from my PS3 while the game disc was inserted instead of first creating ISOs (this appears to be the method recommended in the Quickstart guide, and was also recommended by a few other guides I looked up while troubleshooting the issue). Also, instead of manually placing the files into the correctly named region folders, I used RPCS3's "Add Games" functionality to add the games directly - in order to avoid any potential issues in my naming (this functionality was shown in a "RPCS3 setup" video I found). Using this method of game dumping, Catherine started with no issues. However, NieR is still having the exact same problem.

I really have no idea what I'm doing wrong, and any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Need Help With Dumping Disc Games from Jailbroken PS3 - by VadimVen - 08-28-2019, 08:24 AM

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