Black screen after running Kingdom Hearts 1.5 full remix
Started by Cynwrig

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3 posts 2 threads Joined: Sep 2018
09-06-2018, 06:47 PM -
I always get a blackscreen after compiling shaders whatever I do.

And this message:

E {PPU[0x100000a] Thread (KH1 dkThread) [0x000eb73c]} 'sys_semaphore_wait' failed with 0x80010005 : CELL_ESRCH [2]
E {PPU[0x100000a] Thread (KH1 dkThread) [0x000eb79c]} 'sys_semaphore_post' failed with 0x80010005 : CELL_ESRCH [2]
E {PPU[0x100000a] Thread (KH1 dkThread) [0x000eb9e4]} 'sys_semaphore_wait' failed with 0x80010005 : CELL_ESRCH [3]
E {PPU[0x100000a] Thread (KH1 dkThread) [0x000eba44]} 'sys_semaphore_post' failed with 0x80010005 : CELL_ESRCH [3]

My setup is: i7-6700k, r9 390, 16gb ram and running on ssd.

I already tried differend versions of rpcs3.

My version of the game is BLUS31212

Please help

Thanks in advance.
This post was last modified: 09-06-2018, 07:39 PM by Cynwrig.

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.gz   RPCS3.log.gz (Size: 818.33 KB / Downloads: 1)

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Black screen after running Kingdom Hearts 1.5 full remix - by Cynwrig - 09-06-2018, 06:47 PM

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