Ultrawide/Eyefinity/Surround (21:9, 32:9, etc) hack tutorial and codes/patches list
Started by Margen67

5 posts in this topic

2 posts 1 threads Joined: Oct 2017
Information  07-13-2018, 09:53 AM -
I noticed there was a thread for 60FPS hacks, but not for aspect ratio hacks so I decided to make one.

Note: To have games fill the entire screen you need to go to Configuration > GPU and check Stretch To Display Area

How to make aspect ratio hacks:

You will need Cheat Engine for this.

Once Cheat Engine is installed you need to add the 'Big Endian Float' type (ignore the 'Do not forget to use' part):


While rpcs3 is running open Cheat Engine click File > Open Process and choose RPCS3.

Make sure you're in a part of the game with 3D. (This can work for 2D games also)

Set Value Type to Big Endian Float and do a First Scan with the value of 1.777777 (16:9)

If you don't find anything just delete a 7 and try again.

Once you find addresses highlight them and click the red arrow.

Click one of the addresses you just added and press Enter.

Enter the desired aspect ratio (https://www.wsgf.org/article/common-hex-values)

The aspect ratio should change. If not, try another address.

Note: This hack won't work for all games.


  • GRAN TURISMO HD Concept (Patch by Margen67)



#Author: Margen67

PPU-ad3a1ecff65a78f9a8380ff4f12960f499604bf4: #NPEA90002

 - [be32, 0x9BAD3C, 0x3F95C28F]

Cheat Engine addresses: (coming soon)
This post was last modified: 02-16-2022, 07:33 PM by Margen67.

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Ultrawide/Eyefinity/Surround (21:9, 32:9, etc) hack tutorial and codes/patches list - by Margen67 - 07-13-2018, 09:53 AM

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