pgrading games to playable eg. Pain [NPUA80073]
Started by Ape8000

1 posts in this topic

2,060 posts 83 threads Joined: Aug 2017
04-09-2018, 08:22 AM -
If there is a thread for the game ID then you must post in that thread, if there isn't then you need to make a new thread for that ID with the correct naming scheme " Pain [NPUA80073] "

Our guidelines on submitting compatibility reports is here:

"Also how severe does the graphical glitch have to be to make it not playable?"
It's somewhat subjective but as long as it's not severe enough to impact gameplay it's normally okay, feel free to describe it and maybe screenshot the bug so moderators can decide if you're unsure.

The graphical issues you described affect gameplay seriously, so the game wouldn't be considered playable until its fixed.

Messages In This Thread
RE: pgrading games to playable eg. Pain [NPUA80073] - by Asinine - 04-09-2018, 08:22 AM

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