Super Robot Taisen OG Saga - Masou Kishin F - Coffin of the End [NPJB00648]
Started by onelight

4 posts in this topic

02-08-2017, 05:02 PM -
Using rpcs3-v0.0.1-2017-02-08-23b96717_win64
decrypt all SDAT, EDAT file

Load libraries:
- libadec.sprx.elf
- libat3dec.sprx.elf
- libatrac3plus.sprx.elf
- libatxdec.sprx.elf
- libdmux.sprx.elf
- libdmuxpamf.sprx.elf
- libfs.sprx.elf
- libl10n.sprx.elf
- libpamf.sprx.elf
- libpngdec.sprx.elf
- libresc.sprx.elf
- librtc.sprx.elf
- libsail.sprx.elf
- libspurs_jq.sprx.elf
- libsre.sprx.elf

Messages In This Thread
RE: Super Robot Taisen OG Saga - Masou Kishin F - Coffin of the End [NPJB00648] - by onelight - 02-08-2017, 05:02 PM

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