Any way to always start full screen?
Started by Pr0FiT

4 posts in this topic

11-15-2016, 07:25 PM -
Is there any way to always start the game in fullscreen? I've looked through the faq, command line help, settings, and config files already but couldn't come up with anything. Seems like it's not possible but thought I'd ask to be sure.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Any way to always start full screen? - by Pr0FiT - 11-15-2016, 07:25 PM
RE: Any way to always start full screen? - by Pr0FiT - 11-16-2016, 12:16 AM
RE: Any way to always start full screen? - by jviegas - 07-17-2017, 03:45 PM

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