Date a live: Rinne Utopia
Started by thegamingmau5

2 posts in this topic

03-09-2016, 05:09 AM -
Date a live: Rinne Utopia [BJLM-61048]

I'm new here and on the latest version and on the latest version of rpcs3-ed3ac91-windows-x86-64, I was messin around with some games and Date a live: Rinne Utopia loaded up but no footage, just a yellow screen with fps. Just to show you I'm not lying, check out my photos.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Date a live: Rinne Utopia - by thegamingmau5 - 03-09-2016, 05:09 AM
RE: Date a live: Rinne Utopia - by tambre - 03-09-2016, 05:35 AM
RE: Date a live: Rinne Utopia - by Annie - 03-09-2016, 04:43 PM

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