03-24-2014, 11:06 PM -
Shows texture in RSX debugger, but needs the usual common gcm commands to go further from here.
[E : PPU[1] Thread (CPUThread)[0x0069c0e8]]: TODO: cellGcmSetGraphicsHandler
[E : RSXThread]: TODO: unknown/illegal method [0x00001fec](0x0)
[E : RSXThread]: TODO: cellGcmSetTwoSideLightEn(0x0)
[E : RSXThread]: TODO: cellGcmSetFrequencyDividerOperation(0x0)
[E : RSXThread]: TODO: cellGcmSetLogicOp(0x1503)
[E : RSXThread]: TODO: cellGcmSetPolygonOffsetScaleFactor(0x0, 0x0)
[E : RSXThread]: TODO: cellGcmSetPointSize(0x3f800000)
[W : PPU[1] Thread (CPUThread)[0x0069c028]]: cellGcmSys warning: cellGcmSetFlipMode(mode=2)
[E : PPU[1] Thread (CPUThread)[0x0069c0ac]]: TODO: cellGcmGetReportDataLocation
[E : RSXThread]: TODO: cellGcmSetTransformBranchBits(0x0)
[W : RSXThread]: null cmd: addr=0x501018a4, put=0xe4281000, get=0x1018a4