WWE '13 [BLUS31015]
Started by Kornfan28

6 posts in this topic

7 posts 2 threads Joined: Dec 2020
07-27-2021, 04:42 PM -
RPCS3 Version: 0.0.17-0aa1aff6 Alpha
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core
GPU: Radeon RX 580

Ingame. When you load into a match the framerate slows down to speeds below 10 FPS consistently, the wrestlers are dyed red, and upon completion of a match, the game crashes after showing you the highlights.
Special Note: Unless you lock the framerate, menu navigation is extremely difficult due to the framerate going well above 300. Or, at least, I think that's what causes it.


7 posts 2 threads Joined: Dec 2020
09-25-2022, 02:28 PM -
Update 9/25/22:

RPCS3 Build: 0.0.24-14187-8485afa3 | master

Match speed has improved considerably, moving from below 10 FPS to low to mid 30s, wrestlers still look weird, but they are no longer died red like their name was Kane, matches can be 100% finished and no longer crash after highlights.

Potentially a candidate for the Playable category.

7 posts 0 threads Joined: Feb 2022
01-30-2023, 09:22 PM -
Howdy y'all, updating for January 2023.

Currently running RPCS3 0.0.20-13138-61d98526 Alpha (I know its a bit behind, but several other games have been breaking post-this version). For systems spec reference I'm running on a Windows 11, IntelCore i-7 12700, and an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060.

Game runs about the same as WWE '12, for the same mysterious reasons. I'm not certain what it is, even after tinkering with multiple settings and render modes. Models aren't lit up like copper Christmas trees, but they're lubed to hell and have genuinely awful shadowing. Unlike WWE '12, WWE '13 has a 50/50 chance to crash after the match, which is better than '12's always crash after a match issue. Still not sure what to do to solve it as it gives the same error as '12 did.

"E SYS: 'sys_fs_unlink' failed with 0x80010006 : CELL_ENOENT, NULL [2]" 

Anyways, it's an in-game game for certain, not playable by any realistic means. Runs fine with framelimiter and all that jazz. Enjoy cursed CM Punk, attached below.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

7 posts 2 threads Joined: Dec 2020
04-05-2023, 07:30 PM -
Test Date: 4/5/23
RPCS3 Build: 0.0.27-14843-8a509afc Alpha | master
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor | 12 Threads | 15.95 GiB RAM | TSC: 3.600GHz | AVX+ | FMA3
GPU: AMD Radeon RX 580 w/ 8 GB of VRAM

Tested using a 1 on 1 match, default rules, no title on the line.

Menus run with no issues at 60 fps, entrances/in-game cutscenes run at or just below 30, matches hover around the low 30s to mid 40s. 

Wrestlers still look like they got a resin coat all over them both in game and during the entrances/cutscenes, but they aren't red like in WWE 12, for example.

Able to complete a match and get back to the menu without it crashing on me.

Unfortunately it still needs to be kept in the "Ingame" category for the time being.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

.gz   RPCS3.log.gz (Size: 408.31 KB / Downloads: 23)

16 posts 1 threads Joined: May 2024
07-23-2024, 12:14 PM -
Just an update on this game as of July 24.
It seems like the performance has got a lot better over the last couple of months. There’s still just some issues that have been happening in the game for a while now to make it to the playable list.

The main performance issue is the game will randomly just freeze / hang when in matches. So I have to just quit out of the emulator when that happens.

And then another issue that I’ve noticed for a while, when playing a one on one match and the first wrestler is making his way to the ring, the in game commentary / ring announcer doesn’t work. But when the second wrestler is making their way to the ring, the announcer will work as they’re supposed to and say all the wrestlers name and info.
That’s been happening for a long time now with this game.

And it seems that the “write colour buffers - on” fixes the visual glitches on the wrestlers in the attitude era mode, so that’s a plus!
This post was last modified: 10-09-2024, 12:45 PM by Bobble.

16 posts 1 threads Joined: May 2024
09-18-2024, 10:42 PM -
It seems that in the current builds as of Sep 19th ‘24, there has been a bit of a regression in this game along with WWE ‘12 too.

I always check back in with WWE ‘13 every few weeks to see if the performance has got any better and stabilised with updated builds and it does seem to be getting there.
I just tried to check it again, along with WWE ‘12 and both of them are loading into game menus, but just freezing the game before I get a chance to enter into the game.

Before in previous builds I could get into matches in WWE ‘13 and also play some of the Attitude Era mode too. I can’t comment on WWE ‘12 as I’ve never tested it before, so can’t say if the freezing is new or not.

16 posts 1 threads Joined: May 2024
10-09-2024, 12:45 PM -
Some more updates about this game. I just posted over on the EU version thread, but this one seems to be the most active one...

I see the thread of the US version of this game is more active, but I've been keeping tabs and testing the EU version for a while now.
The performance over the last 12 months has improved greatly in most of the earlier WWE games from WWE '12 up to WWE '14, they're basically the same game anyway.

I've been using mostly the default RPCS3 settings in WWE '12, '13, and '14 apart from the "write color buffers - on" to fix some broken in game graphics and they've been running pretty well. The issue now as of build 0.0.33-17020 is the games will freeze up after a few minutes and crash RPCS3. I've tried changing the RSX FIFO accuracy to "atomic" to see if it helps, and I can't say yet if it does or not. I managed to play a match for 10-15 minutes all the way through in WWE '13 without it freezing or locking up, but when I pressed escape on the keyboard to close the game, that's when it froze on me and crashed RPCS3.

I've uploaded a log if any of the devs can check it out to see if they notice anything that could be causing the freezing and crashes. The game is almost playable now, apart from the random freezing and crashing the app.

.7z   RPCS3.7z (Size: 486.36 KB / Downloads: 5)

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