Tool(s) to convert PS2 Classic .pkg to pcsx2 format?
Started by OldMoldSnorter

1 posts in this topic

26 posts 9 threads Joined: Sep 2017
09-06-2021, 08:16 PM -
On the discord, I wondered why ps2 classics wouldnt play on the emulator, and was told the ps2 emulation portion hasnt been worked on, but was also told there was a way to convert an owned ps2 classic to a pcsx2 friendly format with a tool (or a set of tools depending on how many steps are done). Now after doing some of my own research, I thought it lied with a program I picked up on another forum called PSN Liberator which needed my act.dat file, rap files, and my idps number, and in the end it did not make it into a pcsx2 friendly format

While I know I can get some help on the discord, i'd figure that seeking help here would provide ample research time for a solution that apparently exists somwhere (even the people on the pcsx2 forum said it was possible but do not currently know the tool(s) needed to do so) without seeming too rushing, so I ask here: what tool(s) must I use to convert a ps2 classic game into a pcsx2 friendly format at least until the ps2 emulation for ps2 classic is finally worked on

26 posts 9 threads Joined: Sep 2017
09-08-2021, 09:10 AM -
TL;DR the solution was to use the ps2classics.exe program (and/or the gui program for simplified operation) to decrypt the ISO.BIN.ENC file to a burnable .BIN file, the burn the .bin to a dvd disc ala imgburn, and use imgburn to make an iso file out of it. Tested it out on pcsx2 and it runs just fine

Feel free to lock this thread or let it fade into obscurity, whatever works :/

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