White screen after loading a game
Started by Zafarion

1 posts in this topic

6 posts 2 threads Joined: Oct 2017
10-29-2017, 01:36 AM -
I'm a patreon and I've downloaded various RPCS3 versions some months ago and all worked well. Now I downloaded the lastest version (build 3 hours ago) and all I can get is a white screen after loading the games. I've tried changing settings and nothing. what can I doing wrong?

6 posts 2 threads Joined: Oct 2017
10-30-2017, 05:58 AM -
I just figured out. If aspect ratio is set to AUTO, then all games fail to load and only renders a white screen. After I returned to 16:9, the games loaded correctly. I don't know if is my system/driver, but all are updated.

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