Uncharted Drake's Fortune OFTEN FREEZES.
Started by pit80

10 posts in this topic

32 posts 3 threads Joined: Sep 2017
03-08-2019, 06:27 PM -
(03-05-2019, 07:33 PM)pit80 Wrote:
(03-05-2019, 03:29 PM)alessandro784 Wrote:
(03-05-2019, 06:57 AM)pit80 Wrote:
(03-05-2019, 05:19 AM)alessandro784 Wrote: I tried uncharted i dont get crashes , honestly i didnt get crash on  other games too, but only
Gow 3 and ascension.so strange this ehehehe.i have a good fps on uncharted i played for long time
Without crashes, have you check your setting, or try different settings like a combination to find tbe
Right settings for your system , because change from different hardwares.

I tried uncharted i dont get crashes , honestly i didnt get crash on  other games too, but only
Gow 3 and ascension.so strange this ehehehe.i have a good fps on uncharted i played for long time
Without crashes, have you check your setting, or try different settings like a combination to find tbe
Right settings for your system , because change from different hardwares.about gow because you have to play a liitle more time to get crash, is not happeant soon but in mins happeant for sure.

Yeah of course had changed settings.. Almost all variations possible. 
Even  with PPU Decoder  - Precise .. It much slow fps, but still crash with TRAP! error.. It kind of a bit longer play.. 1-2 mins. But still. 
I am just very curious what build used that guy on video 

He played really long time.. Even with simple  based settings.

P.s. With same settings like he did. Game TRAP! error after 20-30 secs  for me. ((

Hey i can play with any version without crash, specially last build get more fps.

Yeah possible first chapters will be without crash.. Very possible since Chapter 12 more often crash... ((  (TOO OFTEN) ..

Finally Done Uncharted Big Grin 
Just was re launch, re launch, re launch, re launch, [Image: biggrin.png][Image: biggrin.png] some chapters working smoothly )) 12-14 Chapters - A lot of Trap! errors, 20 Chapter - Some moments Trap! error. But still finally DONE! .
About GOW3 - hmm strange that you have a crashes. Because for me it almost stable 30FPS without crashes. (At least for now, i did play 2 hrs ) .. 
Just in case my settings for GOW 3 Wink
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This post was last modified: 03-08-2019, 06:30 PM by pit80.

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