Custom Tee-Shirt?
Started by iMyles

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1 posts 1 threads Joined: May 2018
07-18-2018, 10:52 PM -
Hello all!
I really love the project, and I really want to support the project in any way I can. I already support them on Patreon, but I would also like to do it in other ways if possible and applicable.
What I was wondering was, would I be able to use a custom T-shirt printing site to possibly have a shirt printed? I would love to have a shirt with the rpcs3 logo on it. Also a link to Nekotekina's Patreon page as well. Maybe a link to the main Git repo if at all possible.
The basic concern is that the logo it self uses assets from Sony and I just won't print one up if it infringes on anyone's rights.
This may be the wrong place to post or ask this but I want to be 100% sure that I would cause and damage to the emulator/people/brand or community.
I am personally not gaining anything from the shirt (EXEPT AN AWESOME TEE SHIRT!)
Thank you in advance for any and all input.

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