Texture Scaling (like PPSSPP): is it possible?
Started by vlbastos

1 posts in this topic

15 posts 5 threads Joined: Jul 2022
02-22-2023, 05:14 AM -
Hello all. Is it possible to implement PPSSPP's Texture Scaling feature in RPCS3? It upscale textures in realtime using xBRZ, Hybrid, Bicubic and MMPX methods, even using texture shaders.

Also, if the feature is possible: would it be possible to upscale the textures using FidelityFX Super Resolution 1.0? Not the entire frame image: treat each texture as a "frame" to upscale with FSR1.0 instead of xBRZ/etc.

There are a lot of image scaling methods that don't use AI and could be implemented as well:
Image scaling - Wikipedia
Pixel-art scaling algorithms - Wikipedia

15 posts 5 threads Joined: Jul 2022
02-23-2023, 05:38 AM -
I just stumbled on what looks like the beggining of the idea that ended up in this PPSSPP feature I mentioned:

Use other Filtering than Linear Filtering? · Issue #1468 · hrydgard/ppsspp · GitHub

Looks like it all started with a Linear Filtering replacement idea. So they replaced the linear filtering of the textures with a xBRZ filter, and it worked!

Now, would it be possible to replace the Linear Filtering with a FSR 1.0 filter?  Huh

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