Sleep Timers usleep is the better ?
Started by Augusto

2 posts in this topic

83 posts 43 threads Joined: Feb 2018
12-31-2021, 12:22 PM -
\ Advanced \ Sleep Timers Accuracy
have options

as host
usleep only
all timers

Both options are cpu timers (TSC) ?
What is the best option ? usleep ?

"All timers" create problems ?

What is the best option when the OS CPU host is being used at 100 % ?

Thanks for reply.
RPCS3 Tester

377 posts 44 threads Joined: Jul 2019
12-31-2021, 12:56 PM -
Usleep only is the default but I have seen some people get a performance increase by setting it to As Host, just try all 3 and see what works best for you

83 posts 43 threads Joined: Feb 2018
02-07-2024, 05:07 PM -
For an computer with minimum requirement being the games run in 100 % speed the "usleep only" can run better than "host" ?
That computer the cpu run between 75 to 100 %.

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