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Unhandled Win32 exception 0xC0000005 after the latest update - Printable Version

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Unhandled Win32 exception 0xC0000005 after the latest update - sodapop - 03-09-2025

After updating to v0.0.35-17600-5e5f82d1 I'm consistently crashing while trying to boot up Yakuza Dead Souls, either while building the SPU cache or right after it's done. Closing the game gives me a fatal error and crashes RPCS3 altogether, there's details in the screenshot I attached. I didn't have any (unusual) problems running the game prior to this update. I didn't see anyone talking about this and the module name is the rpcs3.exe instead of a .dll so I figured I'd bring this up. The emulator log also throws me the following:

F {RSX [0x00031cc]} SIG: Thread terminated due to fatal error: Unreachable
(in file D:\a\rpcs3\rpcs3\rpcs3\Emu\RSX\RSXFIFO.cpp:261[:24], in function 'std::span<uint const ,-1> rsx::FIFO::FIFO_control::get_current_arg_ptr(uint) const') (error=0x7e)

I'm guessing it's looking for something on a D drive? But I don't have a D drive to begin with ":D

Not sure if my RPCS3.log has anything of use in it in this case but I attached it regardless.

RE: Unhandled Win32 exception 0xC0000005 after the latest update - Ani - 03-12-2025

This regression was fixed, update to the latest version