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DS4 Error when trying to handle controller - Printable Version

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DS4 Error when trying to handle controller - Hannibal_Rekter - 09-28-2021

Right, so I've combed the forums for a hot minute and couldn't find anything similar, nor a resolution to my issue. Most other issues related to this are old ones from when loading up the DS4 handler caused RPCS3 to crash some time ago and I don't have that issue anymore. Please don't shoot me if somehow I missed a thread and/or solution, please and thank you.

My issue, per the screeenshot and log file, is every time I attempt to load up the DS4 handler, it gives me an error regarding it's failure to handle and configure my controller for some reason. I used it flawlessly some time ago, say about 6 months, and now all of a sudden I can't. I have the same controller, the same install of RPCS3, the same PC, etc. I have zero instances of either DS4Windows or ScriptKit that I can physically find. The only thing that has changed is the USB cord to plug it in and that's just a generic cable from a gas station. I've tried another one for a flashlight I have and I get the same result. The original cable I used months ago was lost, but it did work back then. However, so did the flashlight cord as well, so I'm baffled here.

The error is as follows:

E DS4: GetCalibrationData: hid_get_feature_report 0x05 failed! Reason:00000000199b9860
E DS4: check_add_device: GetCalibrationData failed!

I get these two errors every time I select Dualshock 4 as a pad config preset. There's a brief 5-20 seconds of unresponsiveness and then the errors and the controller doesn't connect. 

Hopefully someone here can make sense of this so I can play again, I appreciate any help.