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The Darkness - black screen after logo - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: The Darkness - black screen after logo (/showthread.php?tid=203407)

The Darkness - black screen after logo - Szynek - 09-18-2021


The Darkness crashes (?) on start. Sometimes I can see some logo, but after that I see only black screen. At first, I wanted 60FPS and resolution scaled to 1080p, that didn't work, so I tried to revert to to default, didn't change anything.

Logs and screenshots attached.

I'd appreciate some help.

RE: The Darkness - black screen after logo - Szynek - 10-04-2021


Any thoughts?

I've tried to:
- update rpcs3
- update PS3 firmware
- update Windows to the latest build
- update GPU drivers
- update chipset drivers
- clean caches, clean configs
- obtain US game copy (as opposed to my EU one)

Nothing worked, I get black screen every time.