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Boot failed: reason: Invalid file or folder, path: C:/Games/BLES00932 - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Boot failed: reason: Invalid file or folder, path: C:/Games/BLES00932 (/showthread.php?tid=202083)

Boot failed: reason: Invalid file or folder, path: C:/Games/BLES00932 - ijustwanttoplaydemonssouls - 07-04-2020

I tried to boot demon's souls on ssd from folder C:/Games/BLES00932 I got an error, but when i tried to boot it on HDD from folder D:/Games/BLES00932 
Reason i want to try to boot it from ssd, because whenever objects are being destroyed, game starts freezing

RE: Boot failed: reason: Invalid file or folder, path: C:/Games/BLES00932 - Ani - 07-07-2020

If it works on one partition it has to work in the other if you move it correctly
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