RPCS3 Forums
Prototype 2 [NPUB30801] - Printable Version

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Prototype 2 [NPUB30801] - money123451 - 09-03-2017

build 0.0.3-3-9440e65
with load libv2 only shows a second of intros before throwing a memory error.

RE: Prototype 2 [NPUB30801] - money123451 - 03-24-2018

Build 0.0.5-6579-a35bcb1

Image to large for the forum game has race conditions broken graphics and is to slow vulkan and opengl function ok strict rendering mode helps with the ground rendering in but accelerates the race conditions so it only gets ingame with strict rendering mode off

RE: Prototype 2 [NPUB30801] - quick.sliver1 - 06-30-2023

- SYS: RPCS3 v0.0.28-15259-554b27a8 Alpha| master
- SYS: Intel® Core™ i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz | 16 Threads | 31.92 GiB RAM | TSC: 3.600GHz | AVX+ | FMA3 | TSX-FA disabled by default
- SYS: Operating system: Windows, Major: 10, Minor: 0, Build: 19045, Service Pack: none, Compatibility mode: 0
- RSX: Found vulkan-compatible GPU: 'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER' running on driver 536.23.0.0
- SYS: Firmware version: 4.90

Beaten the game from start to finish.  FPS is  stable. (HDD data is successfully installed).  Graphic/Cutscenes are well-rendered.   Sound/Effects are clearly working.
# Gameplay FPS = (29~30)
# Cutscenes stable (29~30)
# Web Memory Cutscenes stable (29~30)
# Default setting [Res. Scale= 300% Fullscreen 4K]
# Interchangeable Savegame [ NPUB30801 < = > BLUS30756 ]
@ Black rectangle at center
# Set Res. Scale Threshold = 512 x 512 (GPU)
@ High Blooming during Dr. Gutierrez’s last known location
# Enable Write Color Buffer (GPU)                           ==> Correct the blooming effect
# Enable Read Color Buffer (Advanced)              ==> Optional: Better Visual & Sharpen Texture

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