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Dead Space 2 [BLUS30624] - Printable Version

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Dead Space 2 [BLUS30624] - nice_2000 - 08-22-2017

Dead Space™ 2 v1.02
RPCS3 v0.0.3-6-93d9fdf Alpha (rpcs3-v0.0.3-2017-08-21-93d9fdfc)

SPU Threads: Auto
Auto load required libraries
Enable SPU loop detection
Invalidate Cache Every Frame
Use GPU Texture Scaling

Status: Intro
Infinite loading after selecting new game.

RPCS3 v0.0.3-6-93d9fdf Alpha
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4590 CPU @ 3.30GHz | 4 Threads | 7.80 GiB RAM | AVX
S LDR: Updates found at /dev_hdd0/game/BLUS30624/!
S LDR: Boot Game: boot done.
S LLVM: Created module: v2+0501D4-71A9194EA3C68E8E-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+0D0080-3BEC751DD8629B5A-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+010200-ECFAD8406C5E0FC2-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+0901DC-06EF1E0C4BD09AD5-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+14F490-E0F7EE5ABDEA80A9-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+18EFD8-45CD37415314F398-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+10FF64-563CC4A29F4CF15D-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+1CE018-B205579E4ACD9490-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+24DE60-DE943069CD434DB5-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+20DF8C-25E0F0B64862A1B0-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+28DD60-1992821370ACC8C5-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+2CDD44-F19EC764AB0D8DFF-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+30DAFC-5A3857AEE79115C2-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+34D8F4-8F7FD8A845704E48-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+3CD790-936EE5CD542E408B-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+38D7F0-E9299D67E9000D50-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+40D108-75FDAF6057A353A4-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+44CDA8-408F9CA17E55CE2E-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+48CD84-18171C455B2CF663-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+4CCBB8-2B8F28B36878A7DE-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+54BD78-C36F73FA62CB75DD-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+50BE9C-6B98202D904E9CA8-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+58BD5C-EF011B024FCE5E67-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+5CBAD0-DB867CEEBA978891-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+60B678-4DC63E47AE2DED8F-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+64B620-F13802A5752A246E-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+68B5A8-6D8A5E697C61D33F-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+6CB554-9DE30E5DAA30B6A3-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+70B4A0-F8EE496764E98F82-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+74B498-0D00B2CC32E04883-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+78B1C0-D9DDB2E3EE817AC0-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+7CB1B4-7F3897AE49D53767-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+80AF74-5BA0850A048DCDBE-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+84AE14-E98AF3842FB61DEE-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+88ADE8-4AF7A04E8C3C0F7F-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+8CADB4-0690C16FFB8FD937-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+90AD14-33B16863C8C7C14C-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+94AB0C-050A07BB513446C4-haswell.obj
E PPU: LLVM: [0x00a78154] Error: MTFSF
E PPU: LLVM: [0x00a78160] Error: MFFS
S LLVM: Created module: v2+989DC0-30A8E3F5BE650BF6-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+9C9B74-89648B91C3012CC8-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+A09B58-BDE669BA3DAA37E6-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+A498A4-13D6F361A679BAB2-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+A89678-45B242AFABE10F9C-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+AC8FD0-513FE7F2A18AFE31-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+B08EB4-A105C62751F6743B-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+B88EB0-DFF5F53EE984E781-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+B48EC0-63E121C1E8F1C791-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+BC8294-F1E2D1E37DD17E24-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+C07F98-F2C5FD67C0708182-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+C47F54-39AFFB571696E2AE-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+C87D4C-E84DC9D5F2E65805-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+CC778C-D6D4B29B6D4CBAE2-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+D4732C-2C30F4B06F6CD55E-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+D0772C-000B7324ABD4DBA3-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+D87344-E43678DC5C79D353-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+DC6CE0-20C317BC90DB4B2A-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+E061A4-A3785C747A3DC97F-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+E4616C-1E53FE121BAF487A-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+EC4F90-FB0780BAA4BAA740-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+E851C0-A7092BE96768CF28-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+F03C78-1A6E094B1B25E967-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+F83920-00ACDED9E471A96C-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+F43830-4BF2906D6B4D2125-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+FC3908-28313AE94F4AD282-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+1003AC0-558B3E781E4A41DB-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+1081D68-2F68681174376281-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+1043C18-A334BFCE2A97DF93-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+10C1DD0-E7090D4B80DB0D7E-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+1101440-34E37C22240E62C9-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+1177854-4F78A0C49BD61A8D-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+1137708-E079F97CA562DA85-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+11F7790-2E5532C0864CF94F-haswell.obj
S LLVM: Created module: v2+11B7830-8014E24603D93964-haswell.obj
E {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread)} LLVM: Linkage failed: __mfspr_136
S LLVM: Created module: v2-libsysmodule.sprx-09F72D494851FEC4-haswell.obj
U {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x01a12d8c]} HLE TODO: Unimplemented syscall sys_ss_access_control_engine -> CELL_OK
U {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x01a11efc]} sysPrxForUser TODO: sys_prx_load_module_list(count=7, path_list=**0xd0040bfc, flags=0x0, pOpt=*0x0, id_list=*0xd0040bdc)
S LLVM: Created module: v2-libgcm_sys.sprx-92BB3C6B43076AD9-haswell.obj
S {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x01a11efc]} sys_prx: Loaded module: /dev_flash/sys/external/libgcm_sys.sprx
S LLVM: Created module: v2-libsre.sprx-7BD57B68D8CA8EBC-haswell.obj
S {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x01a11efc]} sys_prx: Loaded module: /dev_flash/sys/external/libsre.sprx
S LLVM: Created module: v2-libfs.sprx-BB8655E4C5C49381-haswell.obj
S {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x01a11efc]} sys_prx: Loaded module: /dev_flash/sys/external/libfs.sprx
S LLVM: Created module: v2-librtc.sprx-9CB190F178FA7E82-haswell.obj
S {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x01a0f0c4]} sys_prx: Loaded module: /dev_flash/sys/external/librtc.sprx
S LLVM: Created module: v2-libadec.sprx-C1FA8E97F96CF507-haswell.obj
S {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x01a0f0c4]} sys_prx: Loaded module: /dev_flash/sys/external/libadec.sprx
S LLVM: Created module: v2-libcelpdec.sprx-BA363BE6F8D9DD53-haswell.obj
S {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x01a0f0c4]} sys_prx: Loaded module: /dev_flash/sys/external/libcelpdec.sprx
S LLVM: Created module: v2-libcelpenc.sprx-7F976EC0D2838810-haswell.obj
S {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x01a0f0c4]} sys_prx: Loaded module: /dev_flash/sys/external/libcelpenc.sprx
E {rsx::thread} RSX: NV3089_IMAGE_IN_SIZE: unknown origin (0)
U {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x00010778]} sysPrxForUser TODO: _sys_process_atexitspawn()
U {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x00010510]} sysPrxForUser TODO: _sys_process_at_Exitspawn
U {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x00a65614]} cellSsl TODO: cellSslCertificateLoader
U {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x01a70c8c]} sys_spu TODO: Unsupported SPU Thread Group type (0x18)
U {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x01a70d80]} sys_spu TODO: Unimplemented SPU Thread options (0x2) x4
U {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x01a76e58]} sys_prx TODO: _sys_prx_get_module_id_by_name(name=“cellLibprof”, flags=0, pOpt=*0x0)
E {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x01a76e58]} 'sys_prx_get_module_id_by_name' failed with 0x8001112e : CELL_PRX_ERROR_UNKNOWN_MODULE [1]
S {SPU[0x2000001] Thread (ears_job_ps3CellSpursKernel1)} SPU: SPU Database initialized...
S {SPU[0x2000001] Thread (ears_job_ps3CellSpursKernel1)} SPU: SPU Recompiler (ASMJIT) created...
U {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x00a6d168]} sys_spu TODO: Unimplemented SPU Thread options (0x2) x2
U {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x01a617dc]} cellSysutil TODO: cellVideoOutConfigure(videoOut=0, config=*0xd003fa14, option=*0x0, waitForEvent=0)
U {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x004cc4a0]} sceNp TODO: sceNpBasicRegisterHandler
S {Audio Thread} XAudio 2.9 initialized
S {rsx::thread} RSX: New program compiled successfully
U {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x00e542c8]} sceNp TODO: sceNpCustomMenuRegisterActions
E {SPU[0x2000005] Thread (Job Manager - Job Thread)} SPU: [0x20890] Function call without $LR
E {SPU[0x2000005] Thread (Job Manager - Job Thread)} SPU: [0x19390] Function call without $LR
E {SPU[0x2000005] Thread (Job Manager - Job Thread)} SPU: [0x1d490] Function call without $LR
U {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x00e59ec0]} cellHttp TODO: cellHttpInit
U {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x00e59f84]} cellHttp TODO: cellHttpInitCookie
U {PPU[0x1000012] Thread (EARS::Online::NetServiceHttps::StartupThread) [0x00e5a058]} cellSsl TODO: cellSslCertificateLoader
U {PPU[0x1000012] Thread (EARS::Online::NetServiceHttps::StartupThread) [0x00e5a090]} cellSsl TODO: cellSslInit
U {PPU[0x1000012] Thread (EARS::Online::NetServiceHttps::StartupThread) [0x00e5a0a0]} cellHttp TODO: cellHttpsInit
S LLVM: Created module: v2-libpngdec.sprx-7D85540A6475DE89-haswell.obj
S {PPU[0x1000013] Thread (SystemModuleLoader::LoadModulesThread) [0x01a0f0c4]} sys_prx: Loaded module: /dev_flash/sys/external/libpngdec.sprx
S {rsx::thread} RSX: New program compiled successfully x14
U {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x00a65324]} sceNp TODO: sceNpBasicRegisterHandler
U {PPU[0x1000017] Thread (EARS::PDLC::InitTrophiesThread) [0x00a1c8d0]} sceNpTrophy TODO: sceNpTrophyGetRequiredDiskSpace(context=0x1, handle=0x1, reqspace=*0xd01138f8, options=0x0)
E {PPU[0x1000017] Thread (EARS::PDLC::InitTrophiesThread) [0x00a1c904]} sceNpTrophy: sceNpTrophyRegisterContext(context=0x1, handle=0x1, statusCb=*0x1704520, arg=*0x214b0b90, options=0x0)
E {PPU[0x1000017] Thread (EARS::PDLC::InitTrophiesThread) [0x00a1c964]} sceNpTrophy: sceNpTrophyGetTrophyUnlockState(context=0x1, handle=0x1, flags=*0x214b101c, count=*0xd01138f0)
E {PPU[0x1000017] Thread (EARS::PDLC::InitTrophiesThread) [0x00a6649c]} sceNpTrophy: sceNpTrophyGetGameInfo(context=0x1, handle=0x1, details=*0xd011390c, data=*0x0)
E {PPU[0x1000018] Thread (EARS::PDLC::ProcTrophiesThread) [0x00a1d0ec]} sceNpTrophy: sceNpTrophyGetTrophyUnlockState(context=0x1, handle=0x1, flags=*0x214b102c, count=*0xd0118d70)
S {rsx::thread} RSX: New program compiled successfully x82

[Image: qeZtaMJt.jpg][Image: Vt2HxuRt.jpg]

RE: Dead Space 2 [BLUS30624] - GrantKane - 01-08-2018

RPCS3 v0.0.4-6302-32468adb Alpha | HEAD
Quote:·F 0:02:12.872300 {PPU[0x1000010] Thread (RWAC Dac) [0x00a5b4b8]} MEM: Access violation reading location 0x3f800020
[Image: JsoHRJp.png]

RE: Dead Space 2 [BLUS30624] - Deminating - 06-05-2018

RPCS3 v0.0.5-6884-dcd7f442f Alpha | HEAD

Intel® Core™ i7-8700K CPU @ 3.70GHz | 12 Threads | 15.93 GiB RAM | AVX+ | TSX

Playable. Has pretty bad sound issues without spu threads set to 1 and loop detection off. Still on rare occasions has light crackling when shooting an enemy in complex environments/lots of enemies around-- may be worse on weaker CPUs. On an 8700k it's too much of a fringe case and minor enough it doesn't take it out of playable. Some areas take fps down a little, but never that severely and it isn't often.

RE: Dead Space 2 [BLUS30624] - GsTheory - 05-08-2024

Dead Space 2 [BLUS30624]
Additional packages: Version 1.02 patch + All DLC

RPCS3 v0.0.32-16431-b7a882f4 Alpha
PS3 Firmware version: 4.91

Working configuration:
CPU: SPU Decoder: Recompiler (ASMJIT)
CPU: Additional Settings: Enable SPU loop detection (checked/enabled)
GPU: Renderer: Vulkan

  • Adjusting the in-game brightness will break video if using the OpenGL renderer
  • Game will not start using the LLVM SPU decoder
  • Lots of audio distortion