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Cant run rpcs3 on Heavenly Sword game fatal error - Printable Version

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RE: Cant run rpcs3 on Heavenly Sword game fatal error - Dark_Master - 02-03-2017

Fatal error
Unhandled Win32 exception 0xC0000005.
Segfault writing location 0000000000000000 at 0000000000000000.
Instruction address: 0000000000000000.
RPCS3 image base: 0000000000010000.


i spent hours trying to learn how to use the RPCS3 emulator on heavenly sword game
but every time i come close to run the game an error shows up and i have read all
about the common error and fixed it but something i missed iam certain that i can run
this game with my low specs laptop i core 3 2.10ghz 4.00 ram intel hd Ghraphics 3000
becoase this game from 2007 i dont care about the fps i can run it on 30 fps with GLFRAME but it gives me errors i put the screen shot in the post please help and this the error full one .... "note" i didnt check any boxes but i tryed to check them before from many videos on youtube didnt work for me

[log spam redacted]

RE: Cant run rpcs3 on Heavenly Sword game fatal error - ssshadow - 02-03-2017

Read this thoroughly: http://www.emunewz.net/forum/showthread.php?tid=174352

Short version, that game doesn't work because rpcs3 0.0.1 is very much unfinished.

RE: Cant run rpcs3 on Heavenly Sword game fatal error - Dark_Master - 02-03-2017

what do you mean with unfinished is it a wrong or old version of the rpcs3 emulator i saw alot of videos working on it but on dx12 is there is anyway that i can run this game

RE: Cant run rpcs3 on Heavenly Sword game fatal error - ssshadow - 02-03-2017

OK Heavenly Sword runs to the menu but your graphics card is too old to run rpcs3 at all, no OpenGL 4.3 support.