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Full Version: Discord Ban Appeal
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At least a few years ago, I was banned from the RPCS3 Discord for game piracy. I have since changed my ways and no longer acquire pirated copies of games - deleting any that I had prior. An unban would do me wonders for getting support from the RPCS3 developers! Smile

I forgot to mention that my Discord is @Aikerin

To process your unban we need proof that you are now using RPCS3 with your legitimate games instead of pirated ones.

Provide a photo of your disc in your PC’s blu-ray drive and the ps3 disc dumper in progress.
Or, if you dumped the game via your PS3 then provide a photo of the dumping progress in the cfw/hen dumping tool. The photo must include your discord @ handle written on a piece of paper.

If you don't want to post it here, you can send it via DM.
As no proof was sent after one month, this Ban Appeal has been rejected. Thread locked.