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Full Version: RPCS3 can't save progress
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I started to re-use RPCS3 some days ago, and it crashes every time I'm saving my game, and when I re-launch the game, the new save doesn't appear, even if I can load old saves.

The same problem happens with every other game that I tried, and it persists after numerous attempt to fix the problem, even reinstalling RPCS3 from the start. In the save folder, I have folders with the games ID (empty for the games that I installed recently) and folders named ".working_gameid", as you can see in attachment. 

If someone can give me some help to understand where does the problem come from, I would be grateful. 

Note that the games work fine until I'm saving, and that savestate seems to work so far, but I can't play games with autosave as they crash as soon a save file is attempted to be created.

Thank you for your responses.