This thread is a collection of all the other posts submitted regarding this issue
If you have a
Fatal Error message with
Failed to map3
Memory mapping failed (...): Failed to map3
The solution is:
- If you are using ESET antivirus, please disable Deep Behavioral Inspection (Real-time Filesystem protection → Configure → HIPS).
- If you are using some other antivirus, try to find similar filesystem protection setting or disable the antivirus entirely.
If you hit this issue on another antivirus software, please let us know.
We're only aware that this issue is caused by ESET antivirus.
If you have any other fatal error than Failed to map3, your issue is not the same
Any replies for other issues in this thread will be deleted
I use Rpcs3 since many years and I thank you for your work.
I wanted to point out a problem that appears since the version "0.0.24-14115", and until the last one to date "0.0.24-14134" except 1 only the "0.0.24-14118" On the other hand all the versions previous to "14115" work well.
I wonder what could be in the code that creates this "bug" when I want to launch a game (any one of my long list, I can give you all the serials if you want, but anyway no title starts anymore)
I get this message, then RPCX3 closes .
"fatal error: Memory mapping failed (addr=0x10000, size=0x1fff0000, flags=0x220): Failed to map3
(in file C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\cirrus-ci-build\rpcs3\Emu\Memory\vm.cpp:1198[:25], in function block_t) (error=0x3e6)
-F 0:00:09.015502 profiler: cpu_thread::flush_profilers() has been called incorrectly."
My configuration :
Win 10x64 up to date
Cpu 12900k / motherboard Z690
32 go DDR5 / G.Skill Pc6000
Graphic card Msi 2080RTX with 516.84 drivers
For the moment I'm using the version "0.0.24-14118" which works, but I'm really worried that I won't be able to use rpcs3 in the future, especially since my PC is recent and well maintained (I'm a computer technician)
I have noticed many posts with this problem since "14115", if anyone has any solution it would be welcome.
I have attached my logs below, thanks to you.
Update, the problem seems to have been fixed in version "0.0.24-14135" but came back in version "0.0.24-14141", maybe just because it takes several versions to incorporate the modified code in future versions but this is just a guess.^^
- 0.0.24-14145 works
- 0.0.24-14148 same crash (memory mapping failed)
This issue is known about, but as far as I know none of the testers or developers have been able to replicate this issue
For my part the problem disappeared since version "0.0.24-14150", at the time of this post we are 7 versions up ("0.0.24-14165") and each one worked well.
Let's hope it continues

Works up to 0.0.24-14172
the problem starts again with 0.0.24-14173.
This is my last report on the subject since nobody seems to be interested in fixing the bug.
I had the same issue too.
0.0.24-14188 have same issue,
0.0.24-14172 is 12900k Playable with newest version.
My PC :
Win 11 pro x64
CPU 12900k / motherboard Z690
Memory 96 GB DDR4
Graphic card 2070RTX with 516.94 drivers