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Full Version: Demon's Souls runs great, Dark Souls deathly slow
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Demon's Souls: 60fps regardless of settings!
Dark Souls "async" shader mode: upwards of 20fps Sad
Dark Souls "legacy" shader mode: 5-15fps and "compiling shaders" almost never stops blinking when turning the camera.

GeForce overlay reports CPU and GPU don't really go over 50%.
Reset your settings back to defaults
(04-16-2022, 11:59 AM)yurinator557 Wrote: [ -> ]Reset your settings back to defaults

Thanks, I wandered to far from default by accident. "write color buffer" is required for lighting though.

lt is very playable with the 60fps game patch selected now but flies around between 30 and 60fps in areas where it would be pretty stable.

I've booted up Dark Souls 1.0 on a real PS3 to compare to RCSP3 without the 60fps patch and the fps is generally twice as high and twice as stable (Dark Souls PS3 dips below 30 fps pretty often). Isn't that odd when my CPU/GPU still don't exceed 50% by much?