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Full Version: What is the site address to download developer version ?
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I see that has alpha and head versions.
How download developer version ?
In https://travis-ci.org/github/RPCS3/rpcs3/builds have good status log, but not see how download the Linux version.
Thanks for your reply.
We don't use Travis anymore and there is not a "developer version", but rather Pull Request artifacts built on a Pull Request basis. Just stick to the builds we offer since you're not testing any changeset.
I had posted the wrong word .... not exactly developer, but test build ....
In appveyor had test versions, but now look how if appveyor not is being used.
I want use test versions to help reporting bugs.
Travis is only useful for see full changelog.
thanks for your reply.
If you want to test a specific Pull Request you can download it through the Pull Request. There is no point on testing PR builds at random.