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Full Version: VM: Access violation reading location 0x0 (unmapped memory)
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I've been researching this issue for the past few months, my particular problem is with persona 5 in the loading screen right after your first encounter in the first palace. From all the research I've done the most likely offender is the TSX instruction set not being supported by my CPU, either way at this point I'm kinda hopeless but I'm still searching for some kind of solution that I'm missing. Back in the day of January of this year, I could run the game just fine, that is why I'm posting this thread, to know if I borked something on my computer.

I'm rocking:
I7 4770k @ 4.3
16 GB of ram
GTX 1660 super with the latest drivers (460.89)
Disable 60 FPS patch which should cause that and the 4K mod patch which doesn't work with master builds.
You also have many different settings from default that shouldn't be changed.
this error is occurring here even with games that do not require much CPU.
happen mainly before when starting an game and crash the emulator window.
The exception itself is just a generic crash, there can be hundreds of different causes.
The issue that causes this one is very likely different from the ones in other games.