Hey people.
I've been grinding KH1 final mix and when I beat Ansem and the final credit scene plays, you get the scene where Sora, Donald and Goofy are walking in this grass land and they start running after Pluto. The screen goes black and my game freezes resulting in that I didn't defeat Ansem.
I tried to change the firmware but that didn't work, then I booted the kingdom.self file and booted the whole game. Didn't work. I tried to get an older version of RPCS3 but still need to figure that one out. Currently I'm running 0.0.10.
The game that I have is KH HD1.5 FM [BLUS31212]
I know I'm late to the party, but I also am having this same exact issue and it's preventing me from 100%-ing the game. I've tried the settings found here from jvanzalen:
I tried their recommended Atlantica/Jafar settings and this didn't help in resolving the issue of not being able to get past the final cutscene. I am going to make an attempt to beat the game again and see if watch the cutscenes makes any difference at the end. I'll post my results
watching cutscenes or not seems to make no difference at all
I have tried another save file even, to no avail
(03-04-2021, 07:42 PM)SilentTheGray Wrote: [ -> ]I know I'm late to the party, but I also am having this same exact issue and it's preventing me from 100%-ing the game. I've tried the settings found here from jvanzalen: https://forums.rpcs3.net/thread-180504-p...dom+hearts
I tried their recommended Atlantica/Jafar settings and this didn't help in resolving the issue of not being able to get past the final cutscene. I am going to make an attempt to beat the game again and see if watch the cutscenes makes any difference at the end. I'll post my results
watching cutscenes or not seems to make no difference at all
I have tried another save file even, to no avail
This is a known issue with this game (and I think it is why is it not playable). As far as I am aware, there is currently no fix.
I have found a SOLUTION!
Thanks to the user Puremin0rez here:
changing the END movie file allows you to skip the credits scene, which if you seen it once that's not a terrible work around imo, this allowed me to unlock the trophies I was after and see my end game stats
I renamed my file hereĀ \PS3\Kingdom Hearts - HD 1.5 ReMIX (USA) (En,Fr,Es)\PS3_GAME\USRDIR\KH1Movie\en called END.pam to tEND.pam
I believe EXM.pam is the "extra movie" so you can change that to whatever I just changed mine to tEXM.pam and I was able to get through Proud Mode as well