05-04-2020, 03:58 AM
Hello all thank you for reading. I followed the instructions on the wiki here:
And replaced PPU id with one from RPCS3.log and put it patch.yml like this:
However the game still runs at 30fps cap. Does anyone have idea of what is wrong? I attached RPCS3 log. Thank you!
And replaced PPU id with one from RPCS3.log and put it patch.yml like this:
PPU-60035666cb9c76c41bf9fe7cd76d2316a6755077: # BCJS30022
# Set 60FPS with no frameskip
# by Gibbed
- [ be16, 0x25ed8, 0x981f ]
# delta time
# by Whatcookie
- [ be32, 0x0001b964, 0x496ac2cd ] # jump to code cave
# get mftb
- [ be32, 0x016c7c30, 0x7eac42e6 ] # mftb r21 // Move from timebase register (clock)
# get mftb delta
- [ be32, 0x016c7c34, 0x3ec00185 ] # lis r22,0x0185 // load high bits of address
- [ be32, 0x016c7c38, 0x3ad62608 ] # addi r22,r22,0x2608 // load low bits of address
- [ be32, 0x016c7c3c, 0x7e96a02a ] # ldx r20,r22,r20 // load previous frames mftb reading
- [ be32, 0x016c7c40, 0xfab60000 ] # std r21,0x0(r22) // store this frames mftb reading
- [ be32, 0x016c7c44, 0x7e74a850 ] # subf r19,r21,r20 // subtract previous mftb reading from this mftb frames reading
# mftb delta to float
- [ be32, 0x016c7c48, 0xfa760018 ] # std r19,0x18(r22) // store mftb delta (to be loaded into FPR)
- [ be32, 0x016c7c4c, 0xcbd60018 ] # lfd f30,0x18(r22) // load mftb delta into FPR
- [ be32, 0x016c7c50, 0xffc0f69c ] # fcfid f30,f30 // convert integer to double
- [ be32, 0x016c7c54, 0xffc0f018 ] # frsp f30,f30 // round to single precision
# mftb delta to seconds
- [ be32, 0x016c7c58, 0x3e40016c ] # r18,0x16c // load high bits constants pointer
- [ be32, 0x016c7c5c, 0x3a527c30 ] # addi r18,r18,0x7c30 // load low bits of constants pointer
- [ be32, 0x016c7c60, 0xc3b20054 ] # lfs f29,0x54(r18) // load timebase frequency constant
- [ be32, 0x016c7c64, 0xc3920058 ] # lfs f28,0x58(r18) // load maximum timestep size
- [ be32, 0x016c7c68, 0xeffee824 ] # fdivs f31,f30,f29 // divide timebase delta by timebase frequency
# check timestep size
- [ be32, 0x016c7c6c, 0xff9fe000 ] # fcmpu cr7,f31,f28 // compare current delta time to maximum timestep
- [ be32, 0x016c7c70, 0x419c0008 ] # blt +0x08 // don't return the maximum timestep size
# set maximum timestep
- [ be32, 0x016c7c74, 0xffe0e090 ] # fmr f31,f28 // move maximum timestep to be returned
# cleanup
- [ be32, 0x016c7c78, 0x7e94a278 ] # xor r20,r20,r20 // zero r20
- [ be32, 0x016c7c7c, 0x7e94a278 ] # xor r19,r19,r19 // zero r19
- [ be32, 0x016c7c80, 0x4e800020 ] # blr // return
# constants
- [ be32, 0x016c7c84, 0x4c989680 ] # timebase frequency as hexfloat (80mhz)
- [ bef32, 0x016c7c88, 0.05000000 ] # maximum timestep size (50ms or 20FPS)
However the game still runs at 30fps cap. Does anyone have idea of what is wrong? I attached RPCS3 log. Thank you!