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Full Version: Game freezes after logos
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I've been trying the last four hours to get Xillia running properly. I tried both Vulkan and OpenGL, on both happens the same. First it shows the Bandai Namco logo and the namco logo, then the game freezes. I updated my drivers and my AMD driver as well. I tried around with the CPU and GPU settings, but it still stays the same. I copied the files again, in case something was missing or corrupt. I re-downloaded RPCS3, as the latest version has been released just an hour ago. None of the options changes anything.

I've got an AMD Radeon HD 8950 (8GB ram) and Intel® Core™ i5-4200m, CPU 2.50GHz, 2501 MHz

(02-21-2020, 06:46 PM)Ani Wrote: [ -> ]Missing log file
oh oops, missed the actual button, sorry
You're missing game licenses for several of the game's content such as JP0700-BLJS10120_00-C004Z00000000000
See https://wiki.rpcs3.net/index.php?title=H..._PSN_games
Thank you for your help!