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Full Version: Resistance 2 random freezes
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Hey guys!  so i checked on the rpcs3 website that Resistance 2 is now playable,so i tried to play it but after one minute of playing i get random freezes the game just freezes and i have to run it again and same thing happens everytime....does anyone know why it freezes ? its happenin with other playable games.Im running ryzen 5 3600 and rx 570 16GBRAM
hi, i just begun to play resistance 2 today, i hade some freeze too, but after changing some setting i don't have freeze anymore
maybe you have modify some setting to play a different game before ?
(01-20-2020, 04:00 PM)lainiwaku Wrote: [ -> ]hi, i just begun to play resistance 2 today, i hade  some freeze too, but after changing some setting  i don't have freeze anymore
maybe you have modify  some setting to play  a different game before ?
Hey can u tell me what settings u playing on ?