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Full Version: When the PC restarts the games don't work [SOLVED]
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hello everyone, I have a bizarre problem, any game I play starts, like restarting the PC, it doesn't work anymore. I don't know what to do anymore I did a thousand tests, tried different versions of rpcs3, updated the drivers of the gpu, every time I restart the pc the games that worked before stop working, I am forced to close rpcs3 from task manager.
on my pc runs windows 10 build 18362, driver amd 2.0.116
I'm desperate can you give me a hand please? Thanks.
solved with clean boot:
Start -> search for "msconfig" -> click on Services -> click on "HIDE MICROSOFT SERVICES" -> disable all that remains except the antivirus -> click Start -> disable everything except the antivirus then restart.

rpcs3 it turns perfectly.
