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Full Version: MotorStorm: Apocalypse [NPEA00315]
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RPCS3 v0.0.5-7123-c5c0f68b3 Alpha | HEAD
Ingame with graphic bugs.
[Image: oVgP7TH.png]
[Image: Y2f1NeG.jpg]
Write color buffers fixes many of the graphical issues but not all, regardless it's not playable. Thanks for the test!
Seems to go a lot better now.
The FPS are still has bad (1-9 fps mostly), but the lighting isn't that broken.
Still far from being playable of course, especially due to the audio bugs, the huge time to load all the assets and a couple of ray glitches.
Here's a litte preview on how bad it runs: https://peertube.live/videos/watch/af3f2a0b-7004-4cbb-b6da-00879f6c83f2
[Image: YGUFXQbY.jpg]
Here the same thing, after one minute of wait, just to show you the time it needs to load assets.
[Image: Klwnk5yY.jpg]
Great news for this game from latest RPCS3

And I tested for myself, it was amazing

Another test with 1.06 update and increased resolution scaling threshold to fix the flame and light glows