Tested on RPCS3 RPCS3 v0.0.4-6299-83b541ea
Link Patreon for Help developer
Better in OpenGL
Speed : Sometime slow
Movie :Work
Graphic : Work
Music :Work
The RPCS3 freeze and showing Fatal error Message
CPU:- Intel I7-6800K @ 3.40 GHz (OverClock 4.5 GHz)
GPU:- GTX 1080
Motherboards:- ASUS X-99A-II
RAM:- 32.0 GB (2666 MHz)
Version too old, retest in latest.
Moving to General Discussion.
Title is "AquaPazza AquaPlus - Dream Match", not "Aqua Pazza AquaPlus DM -"
Updated OP with the new log file, and new version info and cleaned the thread.
RPCS3 v0.0.4-6299-83b541ea may not be the version the video was recorded with but it's still in the same status as before.
AquaPazza AquaPlus - [BLJM60476]
RPCS3 v0.0.5-6830-00f533589 Alpha
Character select is monotone
Other than that it works normally.
IntelR Core i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz | 8 Threads | 31.94 GiB RAM
Adapter: GeForce GTX 1070
So, is it playable? did you experience any other issues? Monotone character selection is insignificant but need to make sure all the other modes etc work.
(05-23-2018, 07:21 PM)Asinine Wrote: [ -> ]So, is it playable? did you experience any other issues? Monotone character selection is insignificant but need to make sure all the other modes etc work.
Yes, each mode starts normally.
There is no particular problem
Perfect fully playable
i can't see any problem in this game...
((Test on RPCS3 v0.0.5-7117-12b8908a0 Alpha))
Link Patreon for Help developer
Better in Vulkan
Speed : Full (60 FPS)
Movie : Perfect Work
Graphic : Perfect Work
Music : Perfect Work
For more Video see this Thread
The log file:-
CPU:- Intel I7-6800K @ 3.40 GHz (OverClock 4.5 GHz)
GPU:- GTX 1080
Motherboards:- ASUS X-99A-II
RAM:- 32.0 GB (2666 MHz)