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Full Version: The Evil Within [NPUB31392]
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CPU Settings
PPU Interpreter (fast)
SPU Recompiler (ASMJIT)

GPU Settings
Render - Vulkan
Use GPU Texture Scaling - Disabled/Enabled (no sense)

It shows the same error when loading the level. 

F {rsx::thread} class std::runtime_error thrown: [texture upload buffer] Working buffer not big enough, buffer_length=134217728 allocated=120258560 requested=16777216 guard=4194304 largest_pool=16777216

(in file c:\projects\rpcs3\rpcs3\emu\rsx\d3d12\../Common/ring_buffer_helper.h:78)

Tried use Recompiler (LLVM) and it shows in menu 

F {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x00f197f8]} class std::runtime_error thrown: Unregistered PPU function
Missing RPCS3 version string, moving to General Discussion
(11-24-2017, 08:09 PM)Ani Wrote: [ -> ]Missing RPCS3 version string, moving to General Discussion

Sorry, forgot about it.

Btw it goes after loading screen with OpenGL but freezes right away with exception.

F {PPU[0x100000b] Thread (HardDiskStream) [0x021693fc]} class std::runtime_error thrown: Verification failed:
(in file Emu\Cell\lv2\sys_lwcond.cpp:192)

Move to intro please.
I guess it's intro, not loadable.
Ingame on RPCS3 v0.0.5-7596-e80574cb Alpha. It can barely be seen, but you can control the character (you can hear the footsteps if you move).
Edit: I managed to boot once to the menu with Vulkan but it can also crash with F {RSX [0x007a904]} RSX: class std::runtime_error thrown: [texture upload buffer] Working buffer not big enough, buffer_length=268435456 allocated=257315840 requested=8388616 guard=33554432 largest_pool=16777728
(in file c:\projects\rpcs3\rpcs3\emu\rsx\common\ring_buffer_helper.h:78)

Seems like Write Color Buffers make it hang before getting to the menu on OpenGL and Vulkan on the loading screen before the menu
That build is like a week old, there was some stuff merged recently which fixes issues with this game, you should update.
(12-24-2018, 11:13 PM)Asinine Wrote: [ -> ]That build is like a week old, there was some stuff merged recently which fixes issues with this game, you should update.

The build is just 2 days old but yeah, gt_fixes was merged so I'll retest on the morning

On latest version is the same. It's something related with the shaders I think because when it's compiling just before it finishes you can see a "proper" image, but when it finishes compiling the image gets covered by the same stuff that covers it on the screenshot I attached on the last post
It should be ingame after Galciv's trophy changes he made.