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Full Version: liblv2.sprx: Invalid stream or file not found
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The Log keeps implying i havent installed the firmware even though i have multiple times, both the new 4.81 and the firmware associated to the game. Im new to this so im not sure what im doing wrong. 

The log keeps saying this:
S LDR: Boot from gamelist per doubleclick: done
E PS3 firmware is not installed or the installed firmware is invalid.
You should install the PS3 Firmware (Menu: File -> Install Firmware).
Visit https://rpcs3.net/ for Quickstart Guide and more information.
F LDR: class std::runtime_error thrown: Failed to load /dev_flash/sys/external/liblv2.sprx: Invalid stream or file not found

The only time i can actually get it to run, only up to the main screen is when i choose Firmware settings:

Manually Load Selected Libraries