(09-29-2017, 04:56 AM)icemann Wrote: [ -> ] (09-28-2017, 04:29 PM)tet666 Wrote: [ -> ] (09-27-2017, 11:59 AM)pothb Wrote: [ -> ]They don't care... I mean, shit, they also went crazy on reviewers and lets players.
They got so much bad press out of this now i doubt they will ever try to pull something like that again here 
I'd like to see a comment from the RPCS3 devs on this. First and foremost we need to know that development on this emulator is going to continue.
i guess they didn't even want to put the statement on their own website or forums, better-safe-than-sorry approach i guess.
i understand Atlus' position, i'm just surprised they opted to attack their income source.
(09-29-2017, 11:34 AM)Phantom_Joker32 Wrote: [ -> ]I just found about the emulator because of this but now i have no way of checking if the game is 100% playable, does anyone know if it is?
I can confirm that thus far, it (EUR ver) seems playable, although it has some graphical glitches here and there sometimes, when using the Vulkan renderer, but no crashes yet.
As to if it is 100% playable, I cannot confirm that personally (As I'm still in the early stages; I was trying out various chat options XD), but if you use the "Check Game Compatibility" option in the emulator's context menu that shows up when you right click in the game list, it says that it is playable.
(09-29-2017, 11:34 AM)Phantom_Joker32 Wrote: [ -> ]I just found about the emulator because of this but now i have no way of checking if the game is 100% playable, does anyone know if it is?
Before it was removed from the compatibility list, all versions were listed as playable. I personally have beaten the game completely on the US version. I assume the EUR version is pretty much the same.
Thank you for all the answers.
It's a shame, because the topic had useful info for those starting out the game (best configs, and stuff like that).
Btw, the game is 100% playable.
Sorry to necro this thread..
But which build? My computer can emulate Catherine perfectly, but after the opening, it runs at 0.49FPS.
Did a newer release somehow break the game, like the PCSX2 emulator does? I more than meet the reqs (which is why I am not posting them here) this is just a question about build compatibility.