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Full Version: do i need a ds4 controller to play some games on rpcs3
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i have problem with some games like Flower [NPUA80083]
i cant get past title screen with my xbox controller in the latest build
keep in mind that the same controller was working with this build [RPCS3 v0.0.2-3-8055d83 Alpha]
so do i need a ds4 controller to start this game or its a setting problem that can be fixed by changing some setting 

test for the game with the latest build with the same controller

the old test for the game with the same controller and this build [RPCS3 v0.0.2-3-8055d83 Alpha]
my settings for controls were changed in last build(reset to keyboard) configuration - pads - Player 1

check that
(09-10-2017, 05:19 PM)Kravicka Wrote: [ -> ]my settings for controls were changed in last build(reset to keyboard) configuration - pads - Player 1

check that

thanks man but my controller works perfectly with all games but not this game because this game needs  motion sensor control and my controller do not have this motion sensor like the ds3 and ds4 controollers
but why it worked with this build [RPCS3 v0.0.2-3-8055d83 Alpha] i have no clue