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Full Version: unhandled win 32 exception oxeo6d7363
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Fatal error
Unhandled Win32 exception 0xE06D7363.
Exception address: 00007ffe84789e08.
ExceptionInformation[0x0]: 0000000019930520.
ExceptionInformation[0x1]: 000000000391f910.
ExceptionInformation[0x2]: 00000000017f4f88.
ExceptionInformation[0x3]: 0000000000010000.
Instruction address: 00007ffe84789e08.
Function address: 00007ffe84789da0 (base+0x69da0).
Module name: 'KERNELBASE.dll'.
Module base: 00007ffe84720000.
RPCS3 image base: 0000000000010000.

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i was given this on start up after unzipping the compressed file. can you help please i googled it and nothing showed up.
Known issue, happens on cases where there's no DX12 / Vulkan support. Will be fixed.


note, this has been fixed, but if you still have it you may have to delete GuiConfigs/CurrentSettings.ini

that helped it for me, the crash went away and the emulator booted again. that was version 5023, at the time of this post the latest compiled version off the rpcs3.net linked automatic downloads page.