Tested on recent master build v0.0.1-1669d0fd (
PR #2352). Crashes after "autosave" screen.
F {rsx::thread} class std::runtime_error thrown: Invalid RSX method 0xfffc (arg=0xfeed0000)
(in file C:\rpcs3\rpcs3\Emu\RSX\rsx_methods.cpp:34)
LLE used
- libadec.prx
- libat3dec.prx
- libatrac3plus.prx
- libatxdec.prx
- libl10n.prx
- libpamf.prx
- libresc.prx
- librtc.prx
- libspurs_jq.prx
- libsre.prx
RPCS3 v0.0.4-6200-8f314c510 Alpha | master on Linux
Warning screen, hit start, Ubisoft logo, loading screen, freeze.
Tested with LLVM recomp, ASMJIT recomp, and Vulkan renderer.
Screen it freezes on:
Nothing that jumps out to me in the log.
AC Brotherhood [BLUS30537]
Ingame with weird issues. Had to restart several times during the recording due to random crashes.
Funny meme at 12:02
Duplicate thread, one already exists for this game, also your title is wrong. It shouldn't be "AC Brotherhood [BLUS30537]" but "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood [BLUS30537]"
Merged the threads.
(07-22-2018, 06:25 AM)Asinine Wrote: [ -> ]Duplicate thread, one already exists for this game, also your title is wrong. It shouldn't be "AC Brotherhood [BLUS30537]" but "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood [BLUS30537]"
Merged the threads.
AC Brotherhood is how it appears on the emulator and on the website for IRD Library. Was trying to follow inline. Sorry about the duplicate. Tried searching for it but didn't have luck.
Search for the game ID on the database and you will always find it if it exists.
At this time of writing AC brotherhood and beyond do not seem to work very well.
But I have been playing AC Brotherhood all day with 1 single freeze.
This is not a compatibility report.
I wanted to share that I have played all day using
RPCS3 version 0.0.24-14262-3fe9aea5
PPU Interpreter (static)
Disable PPU Non-Java Mode Fixup
Enable Accurate PPU Non-Java Mode. (Not the same thing as above. This setting is why we need ppu interpreter.) Warning at time of writing enabling PPU LLVM will not properly disable accurate PPU Non-Java mode and you will get an unimplemented warning if you try to use LLVM without manually disabling this setting.
The above mostly helps but we're not done it STILL freezes.
Accurate SPU Xfloat
Order & Atomic RSX FIFO Accuracy
Now for what I have been using but I can't prove helps
100 Driver Wake Up Delay
RPCS3 Thread Scheduler
Everything else is default. I've tried disabling or changing each of these and I would not be able to play long if any of these are changed.
All of these settings make sense when looking at debugger because you do have with this freezing issue with PPU, SPU, and RSX. But PPU is the major issue.
All this game wants is a little more accuracy to play well.
That being said my Ryzen 5 3600 is almost always above 15 fps with this settings and it's natively a 30fps game. If you have better hardware than me you might get a Playable experience with these settings or you may not need any of these settings.
Use of upscaling will kill performance dramatically if you want a better everything play the PC port with X360CE or Steam enabling the triggers for your controller.