PPU: Fast SPU: Fast
LLE: libpngdec, libspurs_jq, libresc, libsre
Stuck on loading, waited about 10 minutes but was still loading.
Tested on recent master build v0.0.1-9916f0e5 (
PR #2326). Make sure to decrypt .sdat files before running game. Doesn't react on controls input on "press start" screen.
LLE used
- libac3dec.prx
- libac3dec2.prx
- libadec.prx
- libapostsrc_mini.prx
- libat3dec.prx
- libatrac3plus.prx
- libatxdec.prx
- libdmux.prx
- libdmuxpamf.prx
- libgifdec.prx
- libjpgdec.prx
- libl10n.prx
- libpamf.prx
- libpngdec.prx
- libresc.prx
- librtc.prx
- libsail.prx
- libsail_avi.prx
- libsail_rec.prx
- libsjvtd.prx
- libsmvd2.prx
- libsmvd4.prx
- libspurs_jq.prx
- libsre.prx
The place to freeze is changed every time it starts up,
but it will eventually freeze with the manufacturer logo.
I made this sentence with google translate.
Tested on latest master build
0.0.5-4630cb3f (PR #4477)
Loads into main menu, freezes before press start appears.
If you restart persistently you can go to the title menu.
If you are lucky you can put it in the main volume of the game, but it will freeze soon.
I made this sentence in Google Translate
Please skip if you do not want to waste your time
RPCS3 v0.0.5-7405-da6ce80f Alpha
Still Intro. Requires "Load libraries automatically" This game gives a fatal error if you use "Load liblv2.sprx only" so don't use that.
I kept getting this fatal error on the title screen before i could start a new game:
F {PPU[0x100003b] Thread (ATRAC3 Decode Thread) [0x003a3848]} class std::runtime_error thrown: Verification failed:
(in file c:\projects\rpcs3\rpcs3\emu\cell\lv2\sys_cond.cpp:279)
RPCS3 v0.0.5-7691-d9d5f45e Alph
Playable! I held the skip button down until I got an ending, and had no issues. saving/loading works as well.