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Full Version: Nier Replicant [BLJM60223]
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You think you could help me set it up if it wouldn't be too much trouble or do you prefer i just wait until its more finalized or plain updated?
I'm going to sleep now, basically you need two different tools to modify the game data, and you need a hacked rpcs3.exe to get the intro videos and install game data screen. Then I will have to try to write some more code to get further, right now you can't actually play anything. And even then something I can't fix can just fail right thereafter, so don't get your hopes up too much.

Good night.


Good Night, thanks for your support
I fixed the OSK (I'm literally retarded considering what mistake I spent the hours on...) but the game crashes when loading a new game. I guess it's theoretically possible that the error doesn't happen with DX12 or Vulkan, we can test later.

E {rsx::thread} RSX: Failed to compile shader: 0(183) : error C1115: unable to find compatible overloaded function "texture(samplerCube, vec2, float)"
0(202) : error C1115: unable to find compatible overloaded function "texture(samplerCube, vec2, float)"

F {rsx::thread} class gl::glsl::link_exception thrown: linkage failed: 'Fragment info
0(183) : error C1115: unable to find compatible overloaded function "texture(samplerCube, vec2, float)"
0(202) : error C1115: unable to find compatible overloaded function "texture(samplerCube, vec2, float)"
(0) : error C2003: incompatible options for link

OK so here is a build with OSK and the vm.cpp hack mentioned before. It crashes when going in game on OpenGL and Vulkan but I can't easily test with DX12. Maybe it will work for you ? ... (probably not)

Link: https://mega.nz/#!Mh1QwCxC!B4_GfF1lAXFgd..._bhxuxV9Yw

The game files also require some processing, they are encrypted. Let the fun begin:
  • Did you rip the game to an external FAT32 drive? Then the file \BLUS30481\PS3_GAME\USRDIR\MEDIA\stable.sdat may be split into several "666" files. Use this tool to merge them again: http://karmian.org/projects/ps3merge/download
  • Now that you have one larger than 4 GB stable.sdat file you need to decrypt it. Download "npdtool" and place the .exe next to the stable.sdat file. Link: https://www.sendspace.com/file/w5mtcm
  • Open a terminal/command line window in the directory with the stable.sdat file and npdtool.exe. In Windows 7 you can shift+right click in the explorer window to get the option. In Windows 8+ it's in the blue File menu at the top left.
  • Run "npdtool.exe ds stable.sdat newfile.sdat"
  • When done hide stable.sdat somewhere safe until the game has actually started in rpcs3.
  • Rename newfile.sdat to stable.sdat.
  • Finally run rpcs3 with the below LLE modules, first with OpenGL to confirm everything was done right, then with DX12 to see if it can go in game.

- libac3dec.prx
    - libac3dec2.prx
    - libadec.prx
    - libat3dec.prx
    - libatrac3plus.prx
    - libatxdec.prx
    - libdmux.prx
    - libdmuxpamf.prx
    - libfiber.prx
    - libfont.prx
    - libfontFT.prx
    - libfreetype.prx
    - libfreetypeTT.prx
    - libpamf.prx
    - libresc.prx
    - librtc.prx
    - libsail.prx
    - libspurs_jq.prx
    - libsre.prx
    - libsync2.prx


No dice, the file i have was not a fat32 and the npdtool.exe stopped working after attempting to use it on the Stable.dat file in media
Maybe it's possible with true ancestor rebuilder? if npdtool doesnt work.
Works for me™
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