(10-04-2017, 03:32 PM)Zardas Wrote: [ -> ]rpcs3-v0.0.3-2017-09-29-81b3e7e4_win64
Crashes fixed, now fully playable. Graphics glitches in previous post still present though.
Works perfect with these settings
PPU Decoder: Recompiler (LLVM)
PPU Threads: 2
PPU Debug: false
Save LLVM logs: false
Use LLVM CPU: ""
SPU Decoder: Recompiler (ASMJIT)
Bind SPU threads to secondary cores: false
Lower SPU thread priority: true
SPU Debug: false
Maximum immediate DMA write size: 16384
Preferred SPU Threads: 0
SPU delay penalty: 3
SPU loop detection: true
Lib Loader: Load liblv2.sprx only
Hook static functions: false
Load libraries:
$(EmulatorDir): ""
/dev_hdd0/: $(EmulatorDir)dev_hdd0/
/dev_hdd1/: $(EmulatorDir)dev_hdd1/
/dev_flash/: $(EmulatorDir)dev_flash/
/dev_usb000/: $(EmulatorDir)dev_usb000/
/dev_bdvd/: ""
/app_home/: ""
Enable /host_root/: false
Renderer: Vulkan
Resolution: 1280x720
Aspect ratio: 16:9
Frame limit: 59.94
Write Color Buffers: false
Write Depth Buffer: false
Read Color Buffers: false
Read Depth Buffer: false
Log shader programs: false
VSync: true
Debug output: false
Debug overlay: false
Use Legacy OpenGL Buffers: false
Use GPU texture scaling: true
Stretch To Display Area: false
Force High Precision Z buffer: false
Strict Rendering Mode: true
Disable ZCull Occlusion Queries: false
Disable Vertex Cache: false
Enable Frame Skip: false
Force CPU Blit: false
Consecutive Frames To Draw: 1
Consecutive Frames To Skip: 1
Resolution Scale: 100
Anisotropic Filter Override: 0
Minimum Scalable Dimension: 128
Adapter: ""
Adapter: GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
Renderer: XAudio2
Dump to file: false
Convert to 16 bit: false
Downmix to Stereo: true
Buffer Count: 32
Keyboard: "Null"
Mouse: Basic
Pad: Keyboard
Camera: "Null"
Camera type: Unknown
Language: German
Connection status: Disconnected
IP address:
Automatically start games after boot: true
Exit RPCS3 when process finishes: false
Start games in fullscreen mode: true
Show FPS counter in window title: true
Show trophy popups: true
Port: 2345
Log: {}
Hope i could help you